Your guests’ experience matters to us
We’ve created a page that makes it easy for guests to know what to expect when they arrive at The Pendennis Weddings and Events
Here’s What you need to know when
you’re a guest at The Pendennis Weddings and Events
What Do you Need to Know?
We do not have free parking, all parking is paid parking. There is street parking by the front, use the Epark app to be reminded if you’re running out of time (or if you leave it overnight). There’s also lots parking in the back of the building, and to the east, it’s Impark or other private companies with varying rates and times.
We provide an ATM in the cocktail bar for your convenience.
The floors are concrete and so, if you’re worried about standing/dancing all day and night, we recommend a comfortable change of shoes.
Our bathrooms are in the basement, accessible by the stairs or elevator.
It’s a really unique building, try not to get lost, unless you want to. When possible, it’s available to explore! We are on the 3rd and 4th floors, depending on your event.
9660 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB T5H 3V5
Absolutely NO SMOKING in the building. This immediately incurs a $500 fine and you may be permanently removed from the event.
No vaping inside the building.
If the fourth floor is included in the rental, we have a delightful smoking terrace on the north east side when you come out of the elevators. There are two smoking receptacles on this terrace.
Please do not smoke on the south balcony, it is for shared guest use.
There are many bathrooms in the basement, there are two stairwells you can use to access them, the south stairwell by the caterers, and the south west stairwell in the cocktail bar. There are men’s and womens as well as two accessible, gender neutral bathrooms.
We hope you enjoy your event with us! Let us know any feedback, we always appreciate it!